Ring Size Guide

You are unique and so is your ring size. Finding the perfect ring size is the key to ensuring your ring not only fits your style but your finger as well. Finger sizes can change day to day and season to season, so finding the perfect size can be hard - not to worry! Here at LyfeBound we are committed to helping you find your best fit. To find your best size visit this Online Ring Size Guide and follow the instructions or use the chart below.

Taking a piece non-elastic string, a ribbon, or a small strip of paper and wrap it around the bottom portion of the finger you want to size. After marking where the ends meet, measure the length with a ruler or tape measure (inches or millimeters) to the closest 1/8". Use our chart to find your perfect fit!

We recognize finding the best size can be difficult. That is why we are here to help. Just contact us and we will help answer any questions and would love to assist in finding your best size. We also offer a 30-day exchange policy backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee to make sure your jewelry is as perfect as you and will last a lifetime.